研究科長からのメッセージ Message from the Dean
From Science and Engineering to Agriculture
-Master Nature and Create the Sustainable Society-
Dean ITO Fumihiko
The Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology (Master course) was founded in 2018. It is comprised of three majors: Major in Science and Engineering, Major in Science of Environmental Systems and Major in Agricultural and Life Sciences and promotes education and research in a wide range of academic disciplines in natural science.
Science and technology existing around us nowadays have been created by the actions of a large number of people. Modern computers are referred to as Von-Neumann Model, named after the scientist who proposed the basic architecture. In order to implement the architecture and achieve today’s performance, LSI, which is the embodiment of semiconductor engineering, was required. Although such interfaces as Mac and Windows have become ubiquitous, they were innovative when they came on the scene. The idea that one can carry a computer in a pocket, known as a smartphone later, changed our daily life profoundly. Science and technology are completed with involvement of not only “producers” of them but also people who enjoy the benefits of them. By enjoying science and technology and delivering a review of them whether consciously or not, “users” contribute to scientific and technological evolution.
To enter graduate school means that you will take part in such a community as a “producer” as well. If you are lucky, you might witness the creation of ideas that will change the future coming in years. On the other hand, a research finding you disseminate might be rejected in an instant and be replaced by new ideas. All cultures including science and technology are ever-changing through the actions which many people have brought in on the basis of traditions which many people have built up. To appreciate even a taste of change as an actor is the best learning you can experience at graduate school.
Work valiantly on your research theme in the laboratory. In most cases, it does not work out. If it easily does, that means that you cannot expect a lot from the theme. If you give up, it ends there. As long as you do not give up, it is not regarded as a failure. If you find an ineffective approach, share with and leave it to your juniors. Human beings have made progress in such a manner. In the graduate school, researchers and students are conducting a wide variety of research projects covering science, engineering and agriculture. It is necessary to bring together the wisdom of people from different fields in order for human beings to build a sustainable society. International students are also studying together. You have a chance to attend an academic conference and study abroad. Interact with a lot of people. You will be able to develop a new perspective.
I believe that all such experiences will be a great treasure in your life.